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Ivan Trtanj and his historic model ships.

Ivan Trtanj was born in Yugoslavia (Banat) on September 13th, 1945. In the course of the years, model ships of unrivalled quality with high historical evidence were made. Yachts and rowing sloops from different royal dynasties in Europe from 1736 to 1814 have been reconstructed true to nature and, for the most part, as faithful copies according to the original plans. So unprecedented examples of a subtile and personally formed wood-carving have been made.
Romanticism and significance of shipbuilding, connected with the typical stilistic elements of the rococo and the baroque eras join with the masterliness of the technique of wood-carving. Now his historic model ships are open to the public in a permanent exhibition at the „Museum im Schlössle“at Kressbronn/Lake Constance. At the moment, the exhibition shows 15 historic model ships made by the artist in his fine craftmanship for almost 35 years.

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